
Class  :  2B - English Department
NPM   :

1.    What are homophonemes? Use examples in your answer!
Homophonemes are two or more words that are pronounced the same but different in meaning, origin, and often spelling.
Example   : knew and new
                             meat and meet
                             which and witch

2.    Break up the following words into different morphemes and classify the morphemes :
a.     Butter                       : simple word – free morphemes
b.    Washer                     : complex word – suffix         
c.     Ex-official                : compound word – bound morpheme
d.    Windshield wiper     : compound complex word –  suffix
e.     Supersonic                : compound word – free morphemes
f.     Navigable                 : complex word – bound base
g.    Advisor                    : complex word – suffix
h.    Ourselves                 : simple word – suffix
i.     Four-food waves      : compound complex word – suffix
j.     Employees                : simple word – suffix

3.    Define and give examples :
a.     Stem        : the root or base of a word.
       Example   : like, happy, effective.
b.    Prefix       : a syllable or syllables that put at the beginning of another word to change its meaning.
       Example   : {dis-} dislike, {un-} unforget, {re-} remake, {in-} ineffective.
c.     Suffix      : a syllable or syllables that put at the ending of another word to change its meaning.
       Example   : {-ize} legalize, {-ate} activate.
d.    Superfix   : An allomorph which is composed of a stress phonemes, which seems to be superposed on the segmental phonemes
       Example   : go, goes, went.

4.    What is morphemic word? Give example!
       A word which include of a branch of linguistic dealing with the organization of phonemes into meaningful groups called morphs.

5.    What are the differences between derivational and inflectional suffixes. Use example in you answer!
▪      Derivational suffixes may be final in the morpheme groups which they belong, or they may be followed by other derivational suffixes. While inflectional suffixes are always final, meaning that they can’t be followed by other suffixes, either derivational or inflectional suffixes.
       Example   : colouring {-ing3} = (derivational)
                          colourful {-ful} = (derivational)
                          colours{-es1} = (inflectional)
▪      Derivational suffixes change the parts of speech or the meaning of the base. While inflectional suffixes never change the meaning or the parts of speech of the base. Inflectional suffixes adapt words to different grammatical structure.
       Example   : drink (verb) + {-ing3} = drinking (noun)
                          drinking (noun) + {-es1} = drinkings (plural noun)

6.    How many kinds of inflectional suffixes are there in English?
▪      {-es1}    :  the plural morpheme
▪      {-es2}    :  the possessive morpheme
▪      {-es3}    :  the third person-singular present tense morpheme
▪      {-ed1}   :  the past-tense morpheme
▪      {ed2}    :  the past-participle morpheme
▪      {-ing1}  :  the preset-participle morpheme
▪      {-er}      :  the comparative morpheme
▪      {-est}    :  the superlative morpheme

7.    Identify the derivations used in the following words :
a.     Exclusively          : derivational affix {-ly}             →  adverb from verb
b.    Astonishment      : derivational affix {-ment}        →  noun from verb
c.     Familiarity           : derivational affix {-ity}            →  noun from adjective
d.    Manageability      : derivational suffix {-ability}    →  noun from verb
e.     Dissatisfactory    : prefix {dis-}                              →  adjective from noun

8.    Change the following root by using any possible derivational affixes :
a.     Attract                 →   attractive
b.    Explain                →   explanation
c.     Operate                →   operator
d.    Propose                →   proposal
e.     Refuse                 →   refusement
f.     Select                   →   selective

9.    What symbols are used for indicating the four types of syntactic structure? Give an example!
       Modifier           (M)            Native speaker
       Head                 (H)               M        H

       Subject              (S)            The wind is blowing
Predicate           (P)                  S            P           

Verbal Element (V)            Tell the truth
Complement     (C)              V     C

10.  What is meant by a split structure? Give an example!
       Split structure is entails that derivation and inflection are distinct, and belong to separate components of the grammar.

11.  Put the following scramble words into sentences :
a.     English of some considered optional be are transformations to
       English are considered of some optional to be transformations
b.    Is that says Jack beautiful Mary
       Jack says that Mary is beautiful

12.  Mention three of the verb-forming affixes! Give two examples of each
a.     Dislike           
       I dislike snake because it’s very scarry animal.
       Yuan dislikes Dafa because he’s naughty boy.
b.    Activate         
       I activate my mobile phone.
       My father can’t activate television.
c.     Legalize
       My parent legalize me for having a cat.
       My sister doesn’t legalizeme to have a boyfriend.

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