How to Tell if Your Cat Is Sick

How to Tell if Your Cat Is Sick
By Shanna Freeman, Dr. H. Whiteley

Unfortunately, cats are notorious for trying to hide their illnesses. All too often, pet parents don't realize that something is wrong with their feline friend's health until it's serious. Obviously, a cat can't tell you when he's feeling ill -- there's no way to decipher those meows and purrs to get an idea of what's going on inside. But in many ways you might otherwise overlook, your cat is making clear statements about his health.

While there's no substitute for the advice of your veterinarian (and you shouldn't hesitate to call with your concerns), you can gauge your cat's health by paying close attention to his behavior and appearance. This includes making a general once-over part of your routine, perhaps by working it into grooming or another regular activity. That way you can find out what's normal for your cat and potentially catch minor problems or illnesses before they become major ones. There are also warning signs that might tell you there's something that warrants further investigation.

If you decide that a visit to the vet is in order, you can provide crucial information that will help your vet make a diagnosis. Often a cat will "act funny" at home, but he'll be so nervous at the vet's office that he won't do anything. The more accurate your report, the better your vet can determine what's going on. And since describing your cat's condition as "funny" or "sick" is a little too vague, you need to be specific.

In this article, you'll learn how to get a sense of your cat's health, how to recognize important indicators of potential problems and the best ways to share your findings with your vet. Read on to find out how what your cat eats (and how often he uses the litterbox) can shed light on his health.

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The domestic cat (Felis catus or Felis silvestris catus is a small, usually furry, domesticated, and carnivorous mammal. It is often called the housecat when kept as an indoor pet, or simply the cat when there is no need to distinguish it from other felids and felines. Cats are often valued by humans for companionship and their ability to hunt vermin and household pests.
Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with strong, flexible bodies, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cat senses fit a crepuscular and predatory ecological niche. Cats can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small game. They can see in near darkness. Like most other mammals, cats have poorer color vision and a better sense of smell than humans.
Despite being solitary hunters, cats are a social species, and cat communication includes the use of a variety of vocalizations (meowing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling and grunting) as well as cat pheromones and types of cat-specific body language.
Cats have a rapid breeding rate. Under controlled breeding, they can be bred and shown as registered pedigree pets, a hobby known as cat fancy. Failure to control the breeding of pet cats by spaying and neutering, and the abandonment of former household pets, has resulted in large numbers of feral cats worldwide, requiring population control.
Since cats were cult animals in ancient Egypt, they were commonly believed to have been domesticated there, but there may have been instances of domestication as early as the Neolithic.
A genetic study in 2007 revealed that domestic cats are descended from African wildcats (Felis silvestris lybica) c. 8000 BCE, in the Middle East.According to Scientific American, cats are the most popular pet in the world, and are now found almost every place where people live.

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Wondershare Quiz Creator



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Nimas Ratri Kharismaningrum


Wondershare Quiz Creator merupakan salah satu opsi alternatif dalam membuat perangkat tes yang interaktif.Wondershare Quiz Creator adalah software yang dapat membantu dan mempermudah dalam membuat kuis atau soal dalam bentuk essai, multiple, choice dan lain-lain dengan mudah dan cepat. Nantinya hasil dari kuis atau soal yang anda buat dapat anda simpan dengan format doc dan flash (swf) yang bisa sobat share dengan teman-teman anda via email atau diupload di intenet untuk di download.


· Kelebihan

a.Mudah dipelajari, merancang soal lebih cepat, dalam artian kita tidak diharuskan menguasai action script seperti di software Macromedia atau Visual Basic.

b.Programnya mudah dijalankan sehingga membuat quiz dengan cepat

c.Hasilnya memuaskan.

d.Dilengkapi dengan pengaturan dengan menyesuaikan keinginan kita (background, warna, jenis huruf, dll) dan jenis soal yang akan dibuat.

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g.Mengaktifkan fungsi “pembacaan soal” oleh computer

h.Melindungi koleksi quiz, yaitu dengan mencatat user/password yang diijinkan membuka quiz, menentukan domain tertentu untuk membuka quiz.

i.Didukung 9 variasi pertanyaan :

·True/False, digunakan untuk membuat soal dengan 2 pilihan jawaban, yaitu benar atau salah.

·Multiple Choice, digunakan untuk membuat pertanyaan dengan jawaban pilihan benar hanya satu

·Multiple Response, digunakan untuk membuat pertanyaan dengan jawaban pilihan benar lebih dari satu jawaban

·Fill in the Blank, digunakan untuk membuat pertanyaan isian, untuk jawaban benarnya perancang telah mengisi beberapa alternatif jawabab yang benar

·Matching, digunakan untuk membuat pertanyaan dengan cara menjawab memasangkan dua kata/kalimat kiri dan kanan.

·Sequence, digunakan untuk membuat pertanyaan dengan cara menjawab mengurutkan jawaban dari atas ke bawah

·Word Bank, digunakan untuk membuat pertanyaan dengan cara menjawab memasangkan kata-kata yang ada dengan kalimat pernyataan.

·Click Map, digunakan untuk membuat pertanyaan dengan bentuk pertanyaan berupa gambar dan menjawabnya dengan cara mengklik pada area tertentu pada gambar sesuai dengan pertanyaannya

·Short Essay, digunakan untuk membuat pertanyaan dengan jawaban isian yang simple

j.Gambar dan aneka media lainnya, termasuk suara kita, juga bisa dimasukkan untuk mempercantik soal yang kita buat.

k.Sistem pemeriksaan dan pengskoran atas jawaban siswa yang interaktif, software ini menyediakan berbagai feedback bagi siswa atas usaha mereka untuk memberikan motivasi kepada siswa.

l. Quiz dapat dipublikasikan secara online, menyediakan fasilitas send e-mail untuk mengirim hasil tes siswa ke alamat e-mail kita, melalui CD, web/download atau melalui media presentasi Power Point.

m.Quiz dapat di export ke dalam format Ms. Word/Excel sebagai tes berbasis kertas.


Software ini di beberapa komputer tidak mampu menampilkan preview (tidak kompatibel), mungkin karena program ini bekerja dengan bantuan program lain seperti menginduk pada ms office dan flash player.


1.Install Wondershare QuizCreator

2.Disconnect Internet Anda

3.Jalankan Wondershare QuizCreator

4.Jalankan "Keygen Wondershare Quiz Creator 4.exe" - Klik GENERATE

5.Copy Paste Email and Serial nya


Wondershare QuizCreator menyediakan berbagai macam model soal, anda dapat menggunakan model soal sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda.

Langkah-langkah membuat Quiz

Tampilan awal Wondershare Quiz Creator.

1.Setelah muncul gambar seperti di atas pilih Create New Quiz sehingga muncul tampilan sbb :

2.Sebelum anda membuat soal, silahkan anda mengatur settingnya antara lain yang anda atur meliputi :

a.Quiz Properties

Dalam pengaturan quiz properties ini meliputi :

a.1.Quiz Information

Untuk memasukkan informasi yang meliputi judul quiz serta pembuat soal dan lain-lain. Tampilannya seperti berikut.

a.2.Quiz Setting

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a.3.Quiz Result

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Setting ini kondisional tidak dirubah tidak masalah. Klik Ok.

b.Player Template

Player template ini digunakan untuk memilih model tampilan soal pada saat dilakukan tes.

3.Pada pilihan Question silahkan anda klik ikonsehingga muncul tampilan seperti di bawah ini :

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·Supaya bisa dimasukkan di power point atau di masukkan di aplikasi Autoplay Media Studi silahkan anda publish dengan pilihan CD/EXE

--------------------SELAMAT MENCOBA------------------

Do cats really hate water?

Do cats really hate water?

Is your cat not too psyched about bathtime?
GK Hart/Vikki Hart/Getty Images |
Cats' aversion to water is widely accepted as fact -- but in truth, not all cats feel the same about taking a dip. One domestic breed, the strikingly beautiful Turkish Van cat, actually delights in getting wet. His ancestors did, too, plunging into lake waters to better cope with the extreme summer heat in the Lake Van region of Turkey, where the breed originated.

If your cat is any other breed, he probably views swimming and bathing as spectator sports -- and the prospect of being caught in a thunderstorm with raindrops drenching his fur is unthinkable. What do most felines really think of water? Here's what we've found:

Water Aversion

If a cat's experiences with water are mainly exposure to a sopping rainstorm, a forced bath or being sprayed with water as a disciplinary measure, why wouldn't she shy away from water? Scientists contend that cats' dislike of water comes from house cats' owners shielding them from the elements since the earliest periods of domestication and from their ancestors -- wild cats in Europe, Africa and China's desert cat -- whose limited experience with water did not require adapting and evolving to deal with it. Lions and leopards avoid river-dwelling predators (like crocodiles) by staying away from water.

On the other hand, some big cats in the wild, especially those in hot, arid areas, regularly swim and bathe to stay cool or catch dinner. The Asian fishing cat is a skilled swimmer, with partially webbed paws, that dives to nab its prey.

That Mesmerizing Drip

Despite not enjoying a full immersion, many house cats are fascinated by water, dipping an exploring paw into the water bowl to scatter a few drops or running into the bathroom at the sound of a shower.

A dripping faucet is a cat magnet, an interactive toy that draws playful paws eager to catch a drop or two. But even without a drip, a cat may gaze at a faucet, hoping to see a trickle.  Author Susan Conant, known for her mysteries starring dogs, also wrote "Scratch the Surface," in which she described a fictional Chartreux cat's encounter with a faucet: "How long can a cat safely go without water? The question never occurs to Brigitte, who nonetheless jumps to the kitchen counter, scampers to the sink and trains her amber eyes on the faucet. Just in case." For cats fascinated by water, flowing pet fountains that recirculate water in a continual whirl are great fun, and a good way to get them to drink more.

Conquering Bathtime

Unlike dogs, cats rarely need a bath because they do so much self-grooming. But if yours gets into something sticky or smelly, or has a skin condition that requires bathing, you'll want to help Kitty cope with the watery experience. If you begin bathing a cat when he's young, he will grow accustomed to the feeling of water. Place him in an empty tub or sink, speak reassuringly, and run a washcloth wet with room-temperature water over his fur -- just enough to get him damp. If he's calm enough, start filling the bath or use a tumbler or pitcher of warm water -- never hot -- and slowly pour this over his fur. You can also try a hose attached to the faucet to saturate his coat. Working from head to tail, apply a small amount of diluted feline shampoo and work up the suds, cleaning the cat's fur and skin. Be sure to rinse more than once to prevent shampoo residue from irritating his skin, or getting into his mouth when he tries to lick himself dry. Dry him with a clean, fluffy towel, praising him for braving bathtime.

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Language Testing Assignment VALIDITY

Language Testing Assignment

Compiled by :

1.      ELISA DEVI SUSANTI            ( )
2.      MEDIA ROSALINA P.             ( )
3.      NIMAS RATRI K.                     ( )
4.      NURUL FADILAH                    ( )
5.      PUTRA ARDANA                     ( )
6.      RIA HADI                                   ( )
7.      SITI ROMELAH                       ( )
8.      VENESIA SEPTININDAR       ( )


First of all, the writer would like to express the gratitude for the God, Allah SWT who has given blessing and mercies. So, the writer can finish this paper about “VALIDITY” test in language testing  well.
This paper is supposed to complete final assignment of language testing subject. It content the explanation of validity, its types and the example of it.
The writer aware that this paper is far from being perfect. We welcome any constructive criticism and suggestion for better compilation of this paper. Finally it is expected that this paper useful for the readers.

                                                                                                Kediri, July 19th,  2012

The Writer


A.               WHAT IS VALIDITY ?
Validity is arguably the most important criteria for the quality of a test. The term validity refers to whether or not the test measures what it claims to measure. On a test with high validity the items will be closely linked to the test’s intended focus. For many certification and licensure tests this means that the items will be highly related to a specific job or occupation. If a test has poor validity then it does not measure the job-related content and competencies it ought to. When this is the case, there is no justification for using the test results for their intended purpose. There are several ways to estimate the validity of a test including content validity, construct validity, criterion validity, consequential validity,and face validity. It is vital for a test to be valid in order for the results to be accurately applied and interpreted.
As the example, many recreational activities of high school students involve driving cars. A researcher, wanting to measure whether recreational activities have a negative effect on grade point average in high school students, might conduct a survey asking how many students drive to school and then attempt to find a correlation between these two factors. Because many students might use their cars for purposes other than or in addition to recreation (e.g., driving to work after school, driving to school rather than walking or taking a bus), this research study might prove invalid. Even if a strong correlation was found between driving and grade point average, driving to school in and of itself would seem to be an invalid measure of recreational activity.
B.               TYPES OF VALIDITY
1.     Content Validity
While there are several types of validity, the most important type for most certification and licensure programs is probably that of content validity. Content validity is a logical process where connections between the test items and the job-related tasks are established. If a thorough test development process was followed, a job analysis was properly conducted, an appropriate set of test specifications were developed, and item writing guidelines were carefully followed, then the content validity of the test is likely to be very high. Content validity is typically estimated by gathering a group of subject matter experts (SMEs) together to review the test items. Specifically, these SMEs are given the list of content areas specified in the test blueprint, along with the test items intended to be based on each content area. The SMEs are then asked to indicate whether or not they agree that each item is appropriately matched to the content area indicated. Any items that the SMEs identify as being inadequately matched to the test blueprint, or flawed in any other way, are either revised or dropped from the test.
In brief a test said to have contentvalidity if it’s contentconstitutes a frepresentative sample of the language skills, structures, etc. With which it is meant to be concerned. Here are the important of content validity :
1.      The greater a test’s content validity, the morelikely it is to be an accurate measure of what it is supposed to measure.
2.      A test is likely to have a harmful backwash effect. Areas which are not tested are likely to become areas ignored in teaching and learning.

2.     Construct Validity

A test has construct validity if it demonstrates an association between the test scores and the prediction of a theoretical trait. The  word construct refers to any underlying ability which is hypothesised in atheory of language ability. Takean example do construct validity to know the test-taker’s ability in reading test. The ability of reading invoves a number of sub abilities, such as the ability for guessing the meaning of the word from the context in which they are met, finding the main idea of the text, finding implicit information of the text ,etc.
Another example in writing test, there are a number of sub abilities engage in writing ability, such as how to organizing a paragraph, punctuation, capitalization, structure, diction, etc. In speaking test, a sub ability of it concern in performance of the speaker; the fluency in speaking, the accuracy in speaking, intonation, expression,etc. In listening, a sub ability consist  ability of guessing the meaning of the text, finding implicit information of the text, etc. If we attemted to measure that abilities in a particular test, then the part of the test would have construct validity only if we were able to demonstrate that we were indeed measuring just that abilities.

3.     Criterion Validity
A test is said to have criterion-related validity when the test has demonstrated its effectiveness in predicting criterion or indicators of a construct. Criterion validity assesses whether a test reflects a certain set of abilities. For instance, when the teachers want to measure student’s proficiency in English based on standart competences and basic competences are determined on the syllabus. For example, the third grade for senior high school students at the second semester. Based the syllabus, the standart and basic competence for monolog text is about narrative, explanation and discussion text. To get criterion validity in the test, the items of the test must cover all of the abilities on that syllabus.
Anothe sample is, when an employer hires new employees based on normal hiring procedures like interviews, education, and experience. This method demonstrates that people who do well on a test will do well on a job, and people with low score on test will do poorly on a job. There are two different types of criterion validity:
a)      Concurrent Validity occurs when the criterion measures are obtained at the same time as the test scores. This indicates the extent to which the test scores accurately estimate an individual’s current state with regards to the criterion. For example, on a test that measures levels of depression, the test would be said to have concurrent validity if it measured the current levels of depression experienced by the test taker.
b)     Predictive Validity occurs when the criterion measures are obtained at a time after the test. Examples of test with predictive validity are career or aptitude tests, which are helpful in determining who is likely to succeed or fail in certain subjects or occupations.

4.     Consequential Validity
Consequential-related evidence of validity is concerned with the appropriateness of the intended unintended outcomes that ensure an assesment. Such outcomes can include entry into program or services, such as honor societies, advanced courses, remidiation services or special education services. They can also include promotion to the next grade level, graduation from high school, and admission into post secondary education. Outcome can also be effective in nature, influencing student motivation, beliefs or dispositions.
      For example, a strunggling student may perform well on an assesment in preparation for which the teacher had scaffolded learning. The consequence  may be  a more positive attitude toward the teacher, the subject, and learning, more generally. In this example, the consequence is positive and ultimately leads to improving student learning. The teacher may conclude, therefore, that the test has a high degree of consequential validity for this particular students regarding her sense of self efficacy for learning. Conseverely, the consequences of an assesment may be more insidious. If an assesment is perceived to be anfairly difficult, to asses knowledge or skills that were indequately taught, or to be administred in such a way that students are unable to demonstrate their true learning, negative preseptions and feelings may be endangered. If in such a situation the teacher had aimed, in part, to foster not only knowledge of but also an appresiation for the scientific method in his students, the assesment may diminish its very validity because the test itself in advertently hinders students’ acquisition of this important intended outcome of learning. 

5.     Face Validity
Face validity is a property of a test intended to measure something. It is the validity of a test at face value. In other words, a test can be said to have face validity if it "looks like" it is going to measure what it is supposed to measure. For example, a test which pretended to measure pronunciation ability but which did not require the candidate to speak (and there have been some) might be thought to lack face validity.
Some people use the term face validity only to refer to the validity of observers who are not expert in testing methodologies. For instance, if you have a test that is designed to measure whether children are good spellers, and you ask their parents whether the test is a good test, you are studying the face validity of the test. If you ask an expert in testing spelling, some people would argue that you are not testing face validity. This distinction seems too careful for most applications. Generally face validity means that the test "looks like" it will work, as opposed to "has been shown to work".

C.               THE USE OF VALIDITY
Every effort should be made in constucting tests to ensure content validity. Where possible, the tests should be validated empirically against some criterion. Particularly where it is intended to use indirect testing, reference should be made to the research literature to confirm that measurement of the relevant underlying constructs has been demonstrated using the testing techniques that are to be used (this may often result in disappointment – another reason for favouring direct testing).

Any published test should supply details of its validation, without which its validity (and suitability) can hardly be judged by a potential puchaser. Tests for which validity information is not available should be treated with caution.  


Class  :  2B - English Department
NPM   :

1.    What are homophonemes? Use examples in your answer!
Homophonemes are two or more words that are pronounced the same but different in meaning, origin, and often spelling.
Example   : knew and new
                             meat and meet
                             which and witch

2.    Break up the following words into different morphemes and classify the morphemes :
a.     Butter                       : simple word – free morphemes
b.    Washer                     : complex word – suffix         
c.     Ex-official                : compound word – bound morpheme
d.    Windshield wiper     : compound complex word –  suffix
e.     Supersonic                : compound word – free morphemes
f.     Navigable                 : complex word – bound base
g.    Advisor                    : complex word – suffix
h.    Ourselves                 : simple word – suffix
i.     Four-food waves      : compound complex word – suffix
j.     Employees                : simple word – suffix

3.    Define and give examples :
a.     Stem        : the root or base of a word.
       Example   : like, happy, effective.
b.    Prefix       : a syllable or syllables that put at the beginning of another word to change its meaning.
       Example   : {dis-} dislike, {un-} unforget, {re-} remake, {in-} ineffective.
c.     Suffix      : a syllable or syllables that put at the ending of another word to change its meaning.
       Example   : {-ize} legalize, {-ate} activate.
d.    Superfix   : An allomorph which is composed of a stress phonemes, which seems to be superposed on the segmental phonemes
       Example   : go, goes, went.

4.    What is morphemic word? Give example!
       A word which include of a branch of linguistic dealing with the organization of phonemes into meaningful groups called morphs.

5.    What are the differences between derivational and inflectional suffixes. Use example in you answer!
▪      Derivational suffixes may be final in the morpheme groups which they belong, or they may be followed by other derivational suffixes. While inflectional suffixes are always final, meaning that they can’t be followed by other suffixes, either derivational or inflectional suffixes.
       Example   : colouring {-ing3} = (derivational)
                          colourful {-ful} = (derivational)
                          colours{-es1} = (inflectional)
▪      Derivational suffixes change the parts of speech or the meaning of the base. While inflectional suffixes never change the meaning or the parts of speech of the base. Inflectional suffixes adapt words to different grammatical structure.
       Example   : drink (verb) + {-ing3} = drinking (noun)
                          drinking (noun) + {-es1} = drinkings (plural noun)

6.    How many kinds of inflectional suffixes are there in English?
▪      {-es1}    :  the plural morpheme
▪      {-es2}    :  the possessive morpheme
▪      {-es3}    :  the third person-singular present tense morpheme
▪      {-ed1}   :  the past-tense morpheme
▪      {ed2}    :  the past-participle morpheme
▪      {-ing1}  :  the preset-participle morpheme
▪      {-er}      :  the comparative morpheme
▪      {-est}    :  the superlative morpheme

7.    Identify the derivations used in the following words :
a.     Exclusively          : derivational affix {-ly}             →  adverb from verb
b.    Astonishment      : derivational affix {-ment}        →  noun from verb
c.     Familiarity           : derivational affix {-ity}            →  noun from adjective
d.    Manageability      : derivational suffix {-ability}    →  noun from verb
e.     Dissatisfactory    : prefix {dis-}                              →  adjective from noun

8.    Change the following root by using any possible derivational affixes :
a.     Attract                 →   attractive
b.    Explain                →   explanation
c.     Operate                →   operator
d.    Propose                →   proposal
e.     Refuse                 →   refusement
f.     Select                   →   selective

9.    What symbols are used for indicating the four types of syntactic structure? Give an example!
       Modifier           (M)            Native speaker
       Head                 (H)               M        H

       Subject              (S)            The wind is blowing
Predicate           (P)                  S            P           

Verbal Element (V)            Tell the truth
Complement     (C)              V     C

10.  What is meant by a split structure? Give an example!
       Split structure is entails that derivation and inflection are distinct, and belong to separate components of the grammar.

11.  Put the following scramble words into sentences :
a.     English of some considered optional be are transformations to
       English are considered of some optional to be transformations
b.    Is that says Jack beautiful Mary
       Jack says that Mary is beautiful

12.  Mention three of the verb-forming affixes! Give two examples of each
a.     Dislike           
       I dislike snake because it’s very scarry animal.
       Yuan dislikes Dafa because he’s naughty boy.
b.    Activate         
       I activate my mobile phone.
       My father can’t activate television.
c.     Legalize
       My parent legalize me for having a cat.
       My sister doesn’t legalizeme to have a boyfriend.

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